Inventory Management Part 2

Q1: What is the main purpose of performing inventory analysis in companies?

Attempt: 0

Q2: In ABC analysis, what percentage of items typically fall into the 'A' category?

Attempt: 0

Q3: In FSN analysis, what category is assigned to goods that are frequently sold and have high demand?

Attempt: 0

Q4: According to Pareto's Principle, what percentage of items in inventory typically account for 80% of sales?

Attempt: 0

Q5: In VED analysis, what does the 'D' stand for and what type of items does it categorize?

Attempt: 0

Q6: what is the full form of FLFO?

Attempt: 0

Q7: What does the FIFO (First In First Out) method imply in inventory valuation?

Attempt: 0

Q8: Which inventory valuation method involves moving the highest cost items out of inventory first?

Attempt: 0
